Wichita State Univeristy Starcraft Group

The WSUSC is our on campus Starcraft group. If you love Starcraft and need a place to find other on campus players then this is the group for you.

For more information on this group contact:
Ramsey Jamoul | rxjamoul@wichita.edu

Wichita State Univeristy CSL Team

Looking to show off your competitive side and battling for your school's pride? Well then look no further because the CSL (Collegiate Starcraft League) has exactly what your looking for.

For more information on joining the team contact:
Ramsey Jamoul | rxjamoul@wichita.edu

Wichita Starcraft

This is it! The hub for Starcraft happenings in Wichita, Kansas. If you have a passion for Starcraft and want to know more local players, happenings in wichita or have events of your own you'd like to broadcast you've opened the right door.

For more information contact:
Ramsey Jamoul | rxjamoul@wichita.edu
Dylan Anderson | dwanderson1@wichita.edu

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